Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sport Family

Healthy children become healthy adults. Such chronic diseases as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis originate from childhood.

Physical activity helps your child become healthier and stronger. Regular exercise will improve the state of the cardiovascular system, strengthen bones and muscles, reduce fat tissue, put to rest the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

In 4-6 years the child moving enough to play and study by an adult. Jogging suit, salochki or swimming. Games outdoors and walks in the park are well prepare children for active lifestyles.

From about 9 years old children are able to develop athletic skills. You can start exercise regularly, but in this age of the child more motivated by the pleasure of the process than the desire to win.

With the beginning of adolescence, children improve their athletic skills. Perhaps they want to seriously engage in sports and participate in competitions. By that time, you can start weight training under the guidance of professional trainers.

Important role played by the frequency, intensity, duration and type of occupation. Choose those that will help strengthen the bones of the child, such as running, jumping. During adolescence is strong growth in bone mass. It reaches a maximum, which will remain with the child into adulthood, until you start to decline in old age. Maximum bone density is usually achieved by 20 years.

Be an example

Parents - the best role model. His active lifestyle, you inspire children. Approval, praise and support from your side will help them not to turn from the right path.

* Ask your child to walk together or independently, salochki play, dance.
* Click on the motor activity 3 times a week for 30 minutes and at least 2 of these three times work out with them yourself.
* Limit 2-I spent hours watching television, computer games, lessons on the computer. Children under 2 years old one can not watch TV
* Take care that the child could spend time with other children. Help him to find friends with whom you can play games and engage in active sports. Active games - is a kind of aerobic exercise, they strengthen the musculoskeletal system and develop creative skills.
* Introduce a child with different types of physical activity. Find the kind of sport - Wellness, team or individual - that he likes. Teach him that does not require complex sports skills. Find the one sport that the child will be happy to engage in their adult life, such as jogging, cycling, hiking, swimming.
* Attach a schedule of your athletic training on the refrigerator. This will attract other family members. Perhaps they too will want to participate, and in any case, help and support your endeavor.
* When choosing a sport for family activities, look for one that does not depend on the weather. For example, studies cycling, swimming pool, roller skating or ice skating at the rink closed, on an artificial climbing wall, dance aerobics, stretching and strength exercises, running stairs, jumping over the rope.

* Tell family and friends about his passion for sports. Ask them to support you. Invite to join your family.
* Make physical activity and sport part of their lives. Celebrate birthdays, holidays and meetings with relatives of hiking, playing volleyball, the onslaught on bicycles or skis, a campaign in the pool.
* There are other ways to help your family maintain its physical form - is walking the dog, membership in a sports club, purchase of sports equipment (jump rope, hulahup and tennis rackets, badminton), household chores that require physical effort, the trip to the library or in the store on a bicycle, rather than by car, participation in sports activities in school and much more.

Before I get serious in the physical form of their home, is to consult with your doctor. Especially if your child has health problems.
Rx Utah

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