Sunday, November 22, 2009

How competently refuse sex

# - Chevalier, sweltering with passion and lust;
# - You - a beautiful lady, alas, is not inclined to him carnal pleasures (maybe right now, but can - and have never).
Objective: To correctly aforesaid gentleman to refuse.

First of all, let us agree. "Literate" - so that, on the one hand, not to offend the man, whose only fault is that he wants you, and you do not. On the other hand, in order not to provoke their aggression, and attempted sexual assault.

In short, literate refusal both soft and firm.

If feeling rejected suitor will not bother, or if you're a feminist herself the question of provocation to rape offends you to the depths of the soul - stop reading here. If you do not like to hurt people when they can not hurt if you understand that the theft, of course, always blame the thief, but it does not follow that a purse full of money is left unattended, and before leaving the house, the door Apartment better lock and key - then we have something to discuss.
Deny gently

Here we are two useful quotes from the classics. The first of the "Theater" Maugham: "There are men who are easier to give than to explain why you do not want to." The second of the "Heart of a Dog". Remember how Philip Filippitch Transfiguration refused to buy magazines for the children of Germany, half a ruble thing "? "I do not want" - that's his whole answer. And the children said, sympathy, and not fifty kopeks sorry, but - I do not want.

None of desire and reluctance to require neither explanation nor justification. Any "want" and "do not want to" self-sufficient, and all attempts to argue, "rationalized," as psychologists say, inevitably reaching a logical trap. Especially if the holder was bore and a hundred and ninth time sadly mutters over his ear, "Well why do not you?". It should reach the bait - and you'll be forced to invent, to compose the reasons for rejection, and inevitably someone - he, you or, in extreme cases, external circumstances - would be "guilty".

Here, look. What really means "you are not high enough / beautiful / smart / clean-shaven? it just means: "you're no good for me", in other words, return to the starting point: "I do not want you." But back, to ride on self-esteem man. Another option - the classic "I'm tired / I have monthly / headache. Then the applicant for your splendid body wait until all the troubles will pass - and make sure that you have lied to him. That is, once again, unfairly he was treated badly.

So throw these cat and mouse. "You're good, but I do not want to become your mistress, let's be friends", and that, moreover, comes from evil.

Incidentally, the game of inventing explanations for perceived by men (though often they do it themselves and impose) as an attempt to strike a bargain, send for a favorable terms on which you agree to give in, desire to "sell themselves dearly. This is another reason why this game is not worth starting.

And, of course, common rules of courtesy, tact and delicacy no one has repealed. In the end, the desire that you have awakened - it is not the fault of a hapless suitor, even if it is not one, but a compliment to you, with the most honest, there could be, and therefore deserves careful and respectful attitude.

An exception to the rule of "no excuses!" - With her husband or with a constant lover. He, on the contrary, be sure to explain why you are not inclined to have sex "here and now." More precisely - to understand that generally it's all right, not too lazy to once again say that you would still like and want and that he was certainly the most sexy man in the world, but it's better next time.
Firmly deny

At the word "rape" is an impression of a dark doorway, a lone defenseless woman and a villain with a knife, pounces on her from behind. Fortunately, this stereotyped pattern of statistically incorrect: the vast majority of cases the victim is familiar with their rapist. "Fortunately" - because it means that we have the opportunity to defend against his attacks, not only with fists, heels, teeth, or a loud cry, and words. And, most importantly, preventive action.

Women from time immemorial had been forbidden to take the initiative in romantic relationships, in particular, direct text to invite a man into bed. Flirt - a way to fill this injustice: "Guess I'm not averse to hearing from you an indecent proposal." But sometimes we make eyes only for the sake of making eyes, with no plans for a joint breakfast the next day. And as the poor man to guess, I offer sex or do not offer?

If you are flirting just did not want to sleep with the object of your application "ladies' things" - put a "geographical" boundaries, do it only on neutral territory. Do not go to his house (in a hotel room, in a study, when all the other colleagues have long since gone home) and not invite you. Put the obvious physical boundaries: the gentleman is easy to understand why you let kiss the handle, but can not crawl under her skirt, but guess what, under her skirt to climb can be, but under the underwear can no longer be problematic. Put time limits: not to stay with him for too long, wherever it may be. Do not give the gentleman a reason to believe that you expect from him activism.

Otherwise, do not be surprised when he begins to lash out. In nine cases out of ten it will result in a simple quarrel and deadly insult a man who "threw". But in the tenth you will have to fight back - see above - with fists, heels, teeth and a loud scream.

Perpetrator is no excuse, but not to create a hothouse environment to his vile nature manifested itself in its entirety, you can also!


Yes, and most important thing. Do not bother with fools. They have no human explanation and failure do not understand. No, not at the risk deal. Fool - not necessarily the aggressor, and the risk of violent attempts on his part not much higher than that of wisdom. But to abandon the claims of love fool, so that did not have to worry after an acute attack of misanthropy, almost impossible.

What do men want? Lessons of emancipation!

Many girls suffer from shyness in his bed, and every second can not relax and get pleasure from sex because of the extra pounds on his body.

Yes, overweight - an obstacle to sex!

First, excess weight interferes physically. Full hips, big bulging belly, creating a lot of inconvenience and a great discomfort for both partners.

Secondly, the complex because of the imperfections of the body does not fully relax and concentrate on the process itself.

Every girl wants to sometimes behave as a sex kitten, to excite and to satisfy a partner, but enough to throw a random glance at your bulging stomach and think: "Well, what I'm a pussycat? I totally unlike her. "

Hence, these "let's turn off the light and drop the blinds. Yes, it can be to make love in the vibrant, cutting his eyes light is not very pleasant, and, but what kicks of intimacy in pitch darkness (with a lady, shustro yurknuvshey under a blanket in baggy nightshirt, hiding her extra pounds), which did not really understand that this - the hand, foot or heel? When you see a person not a partner, not see his reaction to what is happening.

You're confused and blushing, experiencing, that your guy (God forbid!) Will see the cellulite, bumps on the skin, wrinkles, pimples, goose skin ". You're afraid to do too much movement, do not know how to please him, how best to move, and not look at this awkward! Hence the "Trapped", repulsion delicate hands from the problematic places, so he is not probing the very unfortunate fat fold.

And as a result, escape to a beloved man "dissolved" and attractive woman, free from shyness about sex!

Do you want to change everything? You ask yourself, how to get rid of complexes during sex?

For a start, See about you! Take authority over svom weight in their hands.

Basic recipes struggle with being overweight are simple: limit the intake of food in the evening, intoned at least 2 liters of water a day and try to increase their physical activity, for example, do the morning exercises, or start walking for themselves. It will be a good start in the struggle for harmony to your body.

The main way to lose weight quickly and effectively, in Europe, has long been considered the adoption of baths with coniferous resins and extracts of herbs. If skin resin penetrates into the subcutaneous tissues and causes rapid combustion of fat. Herbal extracts moisturize and tighten skin, forming a silhouette and recover from sagging. This effect is achieved by opening capillaries and active power of all organs. Total number of such procedures is enough to lose weight on a few pounds, get rid of cellulite and gain confidence in the beauty of his body. Therefore, the European girls are absolutely alien complexes about their figures. They always feel form liberated and happy to have sex in daylight.

Taking the European experience, physicians and scientists in collaboration with leading foreign and domestic experts to combat obesity, the drug was developed on the basis of conifer resin and 21 herbal extract. Skipofit - amazing composition oleoresin baths, cleave subcutaneous body fat and sculpting. After each such bath weight will rapidly go down. Measure your weight before and after each procedure, and you'll be pleasantly surprised! Very soon you will notice how your figure will take the graceful shape, and chest and buttocks become filled, elastic and pulled shape.

With the departure of excess weight, as you appear flexibility, which gives an opportunity to "experiment" in the bedroom and beyond. A moral certainty in its beauty, and with it the looseness in behavior.

Now, when you no longer need to be ashamed of your figure, you can live a full spool, 100%!

See about him, devoted himself to a pleasant matters: for a start, take care of a beautiful selection of lingerie such as panties, thong and bra, barely covering the nipples. This will help you transform, to emphasize your beautiful shape and enjoy herself, and, therefore, and your man!

Not in any way, do not forget about such unimportant trifles, like manicures, pedicures and hair removal. Beautiful, well-groomed nails can play a good role in the interview, they clearly razozhgut fire in your man, even if you do not hurry lightly stroking the glass with a drink, or as if unintentionally, a couple of times prikosneshsya area of the neck or cut blouse ... Such motions will not go unnoticed, they are stunning.

Be sure to pick up a comfortable spot for you, for example, candles or night-light, or even just a blinking light TV! You uncover a whole new world of fantasies, sozdash new body and new life, full of colors and emotions.

Brazilian Hair Removal

Last fifteen years every fashionable girl once a month passed through the procedure of deep hair removal bikini area. Today, some believe that everything should remain intact. Are we back to nature?

If you are among those who have never missed a weekly manicure or stow, regular visits to different procedures and generally look after themselves, then of course you're familiar with this procedure - deep in the field of epilation bikini. Or, as it is called in Europe and America, just brazilian - procedure, without which self-respecting girl from a number of "urban princess" can not survive a month. It's like a drug: you certainly know that will hurt, but still rushing to the salon, Tesha myself that but then it will be very nice and good.

Why Brazilian? It all started in New York, in 1987, when seven sisters-Brazilians - Dzhosli, Joyce, Dzhaneya, Dzhussara, Zhdurasi, Dzhudseya and Dzhonis Padila - founded in Manhattan Salon J Sisters International. It was they who opened the world that in Brazil, where the girls wear tight-fitting bathing suits, literally one piece of matter, hair removal is done this way, and it is very sexy.

Our understanding of how should look like bikini zone, changed forever. A big contribution to it, as always, made a star. On the interior walls are hung with photographs of celebrities with the words of gratitude: for example, Gwyneth Paltrow said that the salon sisters changed her life, and Kristi Ally insists that "down there", she now "feels the baby." Yeits Paul, widow of Michael Hutchence INXS, generally once a month, flying from London to New York just for the sake of this procedure. The fact is that in Europe and the UK "Brazilian" hair removal do not in every cabin, and find a good professional is not easy. "Brazilian" hair removal helps to feel sexual and fashionable - says the youngest of the sisters, Dzhonis. - Without it, I do not even want to make love with your own husband. And he said to me: "Maybe go to a salon?" But after the procedure, I again feel myself free, attractive and clean. "I must say," Brazilian "hair removal - is, of course, for those girls, who for the sake of beauty will tolerate this pain. I am the way, there are friends who during the procedure read the books and may even doze off easily. Well. And those who, like me, makes sounds from Ohoven to scream, give the board my teacher of yoga: "If you want to be beautiful and healthy, make the pain of his best friend."

The process of hair removal (for those who still do not know) - a procedure not for the shy. In the study by a cosmetologist have to strip naked and lying on a chair, legs wide apart (pose called "frog") - just like in an armchair by a gynecologist. Then all parts of the body, which can grow hair, smeared with hot wax in small strips (including, of course, labia), and then. Naturally, wax tear. The result - a thin strip of neatly trimmed pubic hair.

Do you have a choice - how to apply the wax. Some beauticians use special napkins, which are adhesively bonded to the wax and tear along with him, and hair, others use the so-called "hot" wax - it is more dense and, indeed, hotter than the version with a napkin. In this case, the wax from the skin tear off his hands. This procedure is less painful, because due to high temperature opens the pores of the skin - and hair is easier to break away. I recommend the second way: it is less traumatic for the skin and less painful. The whole procedure lasts no more than an hour, but then a month of it you can not remember. The only known negative - the hair should grow out a bit, otherwise the wax will not take them. Incidentally, after the "Brazilian" hair removal hair become more soft and subtle. Believe me: making this procedure again, you do not want to come back to the old methods of hair removal.

I must say, since recently there is a perception that the "Brazilian" hair removal - this mockery, and endure it is not necessary. Once the nature of the so-conceived: it should grow your hair, it can not be "ugly". Course for the Eastern women, this procedure is more painful. But I firmly stand by my answer and doubters, what do they do now? Let us now prestanem tweeze eyebrows, remove hair from the mice and on their feet, all become hippies and move out to live on Ibiza! To be honest, I always dreaded a regular hair removal, but when has come out of a cosmetologist, I have always uplifting, and I am terribly pleased with himself. Brazilian, I started to do many years ago. I tried to stop it "an outrage" - tried to use a razor, why all the itching, and repeat surgery was required in two or three days + in general. I still back in Brazil, and probably always will remain true to this wonderful country. Once I even asked a young man: how he would have reacted if I stopped doing this procedure? You should have seen his face! Of course, he replied (and so would have answered any), he liked me in any way. But frankly, I do, it was clear from his expression. Yes, I myself could not live without this procedure. Moreover, Moscow - not London or Paris, we offer a brazilian in each cabin. But of course for such an intimate procedure should find his master, in whose professionalism you will be convinced one hundred percent and to whom will walk constantly. Well, who the Rio does not like, let them remain in their opinion.