Sunday, June 6, 2010

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During the Great Patriotic War, the railroad, although it was a civilian facility, was transferred to a military situation. Basil, that was my great-grandfather, worked on the railroad town X, and was a big boss. At work, he was loved and respected for his inexhaustible sense Buy Viagra Online Now of humor and simplicity. At home he was waiting for a beloved wife Anna and three children, and a fourth, who was about to be born. That night his wife was suddenly ill and had to be conducted in a hospital. Rest of the night, he sat under the windows of the hospital, awaiting the sentence, "the doctor. Then there were some lists of tests, medications, appointments - has become chaotic: sometimes it raced, or crawling. As you know, in those terrible times of war was strictly with many things, including tardiness. Price of time was extremely Viagra For Sale expensive, often more expensive than life itself. Late for work can be, not more than fifteen minutes - then "light" reprimand. But if even a minute more, instead of a reprimand is the sentence, without trial. Neither more nor less - but this is tantamount to desertion, which means the road to a penal battalion - a battalion of suicide bombers. His great grandfather was unable to say goodbye to his wife nor Annushka nor children, nor with the appearance of the day to light weak girl - long-awaited daughter. He was late for 16 minutes, and the last Viagra For Women minute was crucial. Do not explained to them that he did not betray the motherland and all this is absurd, and he loves more than life - and that proved it. Death notice came in 1943 - for a penal battalion for a long time he "stayed". To his family he was and still is not penal, and the heroes who gave their lives for their country. The place of his death all these years, nobody knew.
But ...

From the distant city X, in city and country, my father came to live in Ukraine. Several years ago, he drove past the town of raisins, which was one of the biggest battles in the 1943 loan. Now there is a huge and beautiful memorial - a tribute to fallen soldiers. My father Viagra Side Effects went to the monument. Among the list of the dead, many of the "penal". Running his eyes over the lists, suddenly saw his father painfully familiar name and date: S. Basil Nazarovich "- and dates of birth and death coincide. For many years, my father tried in vain to find a place of death of his grandfather, but to no avail. They began to make inquiries into the archives, did not deny that it was he, though clear evidence, too, could not be found - with the penal battalion is not very busy then. But the pope believes that this is it. For more than half a century ago my grandfather defended the land that would later become my own homeland, a place where I was born and raised.

My great-grandmother, his wife Anna, lived after him, no more and nothing less, just enough to grown and matured, the youngest daughter, and had the first great-grandchild, your humble servant, who is proud to be named in her honor Anna. Memories of her children and grandchildren are Cheap Viagra very similar: it has never raised her voice and had a surprising humility. Maybe one day having a complex life blow, she found this virtue for life. It remembers my father, was not in the life of those situations where she was desperate and began to grumble.

About her husband she always spoke so that people unfamiliar might think that he is not dead, and left for half an hour to buy bread. To her he was alive, but because nobody ever saw her put on a sorrowful face. His picture - not mourning, and the most radiant and joyful always hung in plain view, and it is always said at this time - to her he was still alive ... in eternity.

The only pity is that humility, not inherited. But the memory of generations passed, which are taught how to acquire the virtues. We are sure that such stories can share virtually every family: the benefit of the world have always been and there are people loyal to, because death has no power over either an eternity, or of love. These family stories can heal, and teach the main, it is important to only see in them the feat that was accomplished for the sake of love

Let everyone decide on their own, that he is willing to do for the sake of eternity and for the sake of love, love, not for himself, but to close. And what about the only love?

If we consider love as a source of pleasure, it's silly to believe that it may be the only one. Any pleasure under repeated addictive and blunting. Adoration of the treacherous and greedy god "I" requires on the altar of new offerings in the form of fresh sensations.

Now comes to the fore the love for her. Tips psychologists predictable: go, if no longer love, find another if this bored little patience and care; it does not change, better to throw it. These tips are built around man-made idol of self. Major calls - not tortured, relax, have fun and be free. Seeing commercials passionately in love couple, we sigh with envy: we have such a long time there, and they have. They may be in 5, 10 and 20 years Viagra Online Without Prescription of marriage to remain passionate and tender lover, and then it's us that something is wrong. So, true love in front, so we need to get rid of last year's snow. " Believing in the story, we will demolish a relationship in which there is no place candles and romantic music.

In reality, all the time. Ardent and passionate love with leaping from his chest heart and glowing cheeks, suspicious, if not in a hurry to grow into deep. Of course, it is important to be desirable and pleasant, but feelings can not be squashed in a tin can, leaving unchanged. An attempt to preserve youthful love, not developing it into a deep affection, is doomed to failure. Love - an explosion, after which either the whole universe is born, or produced chaos. Misled by a desire for pleasure, following the call of the flesh, every now and then explode, we will leave behind a scorched desert, forgetting that we originally set up to do.

When we love, to perform the feat easily and happily. I want to risk their lives to flee to the edge of the world. And it is not conditional, many shoulders have such experience. In fact, it Order Viagra is unlikely to exploit in the name of love. Rather, enjoy the gifts of love, when the joy of any burden. The real feats of everyday life is not so bright and at first glance does not deserve applause. The feat - this is when crushing inside himself, his laziness, reluctance, pride, and then are committing an act for the sake of another.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Белок & желток

Приготовление блюд из яиц не оказывает практически никакого влияния на их питательные свойства. Яйца – поставщики витаминов и минеральных веществ для организма человека и важного для нерв-ной системы витамина В12.
Интересно, что чем дольше яйцо подвергается термической обработке, тем хуже оно будет перевариваться. Яйца, сваренные всмятку, полностью перевариваются через 1–2 часа, а яйца вкрутую или яичница – через 3 часа.
Хотя яйцо – весьма питательный продукт, от него не толстеют. Более того, яйца входят во многие лечебные диеты, целью которых является снижение в рационе количества белка. Для подобных диет яйца с их 13%-ным содержанием протеинов и всего 80 ккал – просто находка.
Лецитин, который содержится в желтках, богат холином, способствующим переносу холестерина кровью и распаду жиров. Он также входит в состав клеточных мембран и нервных волокон. Хотя организм способен вырабатывать необходимое для жизнедеятельности количество холина, доказано, что холин, получаемый дополнительно из продуктов питания, может быть полезен для вывода накопленных в печени жиров, а также для лечения некоторых видов нервных заболеваний.
Желток обладает и уникальным свойством вызывать сокращения желчного пузыря, т.е. стимулировать отток желчи в кишечник, что улучшает перистальтику и способствует усвоению жиров. Однако стоит оговориться, что жарить яйца или делать яйца с майонезом (или другим подобным соусом) тем, у кого проблемы с печенью, нежелательно.
Тем же, у кого камни в желчном пузыре, яйца действительно есть не рекомендуется, процесс его сокращения под воздействием яичного желтка (как, впрочем, и многих других продуктов питания, например сливок или масла) протекает болезненно и иногда может перейти в колики. Любопытно, что это единственная обоснованная причина, по которой следует воздерживаться от употребления яиц.
Итак, яйца полезны: они – доступный источник ниацина, необходимого для питания мозга и образования половых гормонов; витамина К, обеспечивающего свертываемость крови; холина (о котором говорилось выше), улучшающего память и выводящего яды из печени; лецитина, распускающего бляшки в стенках кровеносных сосудов. А также в яйцах много витаминов Е, В2, В6, В12, биотина и фолиевой кислоты, препятствующих развитию врожденных пороков у новорожденных, а также обладающих высокой энергетической ценностью и содержащих ценные белки и биорегуляторы, большое количество минералов (в том числе кальций и железо), а также витамин А и никотиновую кислоту.
Однако в яйцах отсутствуют углеводы и витамин С, и не надо забывать, что они часто вызывают аллергию.
Совет: никогда не покупайте треснутых или разбитых яиц. И еще: нет никакой разницы в питательности белых и коричневых куриных яиц.
Немного о правильном хранении: яйца должны храниться в основной камере холодильника, а не в дверце; храните их в открытой емкости или, если на каждом из них не стоит дата, в оригинальной упаковке, чтобы знать срок их годности; держите яйца острым концом вниз, чтобы желток оставался в центре и не касался воздушного слоя, заполняющего тупой конец. В таком положении их можно хранить в течение трех недель. Кроме того, необходимо периодически мыть ячейки для хранения яиц в холодильнике, поскольку скорлупа негерметична и различные бактерии могут проникнуть внутрь яйца.
Яйца и холестерин
В желтке яиц действительно много холестерина, однако следует отметить и то, что яичный холестерин наименее вредный, потому что он уравновешивается лецитином, содержащимся в желтке и играющим не последнюю роль в питании нервных клеток.
Сколько можно съесть яиц, чтобы холестерин, содержащийся в желт-ках, не превысил допустимую норму? Диетологи советуют съедать не более четырех яиц в неделю. ВОЗ считает, что количество яиц, получаемых из всех источников питания (майонез, пирожные, муссы, бис-квиты), не должно превышать 10 штук в неделю. Однако, как показали многочисленные исследования, после употребления яиц уровень холестерина в крови почти не повышается.
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Одно большое яйцо содержит 6–8 г белков и 5–7 г жиров, из которых по крайней мере 2 г – насыщенные. В одном желтке яйца среднего размера находится примерно 350–400 мг холестерина. Считается допустимым ежедневное потребление 390 мг холестерина для мужчин и 290 мг – для женщин. На самом деле большую озабоченность должен вызывать не холестерин, поступающий с пищей, а избыточный холестерин в крови, вырабатываемый печенью из насыщенных жиров. Следовательно, относительно высокое содержание холестерина в яйцах должно беспокоить только людей с повышенным содержанием холестерина в крови.
Любителям же яиц, имеющим повышенное содержание холестерина в крови, можно порекомендовать есть один желток (холестерин содержится именно в нем) с двумя или тремя белками. Можно есть и яичницу с зеленью, но готовить ее рекомендуется из одного желтка и двух белков на сковороде с антипригарным покрытием, смазанной маслом (а еще лучше – молоком). Стоит отметить, что яичный белок – превосходный источник протеинов, к тому же усваивается он легче мясного.
Яйца и сальмонеллез
Для того чтобы яйца стали причиной сальмонеллеза, должны совпасть сразу 2 условия: во-первых, яйца должны быть инфицированы, а во-вторых, они должны долго храниться в неподходящих условиях. Совпадение того и другого бывают не так уж и часто, но во избежание неприятностей желательно соблюдать все меры предосторожности.
По статистике, на каждые 7 тыс. яиц приходится одно, зараженное сальмонеллой. Тем не менее не рекомендуется употреблять в пищу сырые яйца, а также яйца всмятку. Свежий майонез, соусы и муссы содержат в своей основе сырые яйца, поэтому все эти блюда считаются небезопасными с точки зрения возможности заражения сальмонеллезом. Риск заражения наиболее высок для пожилых, больных, детей, беременных женщин, больных СПИДом, а также людей с ослабленной по различным причинам иммунной системой.
Для уничтожения бактерий яйца необходимо тщательно готовить. Чтобы быть абсолютно спокойным, следует варить яйца не менее 7 минут (5 минут – для яиц-пашот), жарить не менее 3 минут на каждой стороне. И желток, и белок должны быть твердыми. Омлеты следует доводить до сухого состояния. Утиные яйца должны готовиться не менее 15 минут. При этом их лучше запекать, а не варить. Кстати, утиные и гусиные яйца намного питательнее куриных. Единственное, чего следует опасаться, – это вредных микроорганизмов, которых в яйцах водоплавающих птиц больше.
Разбитое яйцо
Если вы хотите приготовить яйцо-пашот, вскипятите воду, добавьте 1 ст. ложку винного уксуса и веточку эстрагона. Снова вскипятите и убавьте огонь. Cтараясь не повредить желток, разбейте сырое яйцо и влейте его в воду. Накройте кастрюлю крышкой. Через 3 минуты блюдо будет готово. Чтобы не повредить полученную красоту, аккуратно вынимайте яйцо шумовкой.
Рекомендации для снижения риска заражения сальмонеллезом:
• мыть руки до и после того, как имеете дело с яйцами (сальмонеллы живут и на скорлупе);
• хранить яйца в упаковке в холодильнике;
• вытирать скорлупу, если она грязная;
• выбрасывать яйца с трещинами или повреждениями скорлупы;
• не превышать сроков хранения яиц;
• проверить на свежесть: яйцо, погруженное в холодную воду, должно утонуть;
• если яйцо плавает или имеет запах, выбросить его;
• избегать рецептов, в которых используются сырые яйца;
• после приготовления яичные блюда можно хранить только в холодильнике;
• нагревать яйца до тех пор, пока и белок, и желток не станут твердыми: яичница – 3–4 минуты, яйца без скорлупы – 5–7 минут, при варке яйца в скорлупе – 7–10 минут.

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

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An important in diagnosis is the presence of general symptoms that characterize the severity of the state as well as the tactics of assistance.
A significant number of gynecological diseases develops in connection with pregnancy, so it is essential to know the number and outcomes of each of them. And with the appearance of vaginal bleeding shortly after the abortion in the first place should be assumed metroendometrit or the presence of remnants of the ovum. Trophoblastic disease can develop only in beremenevshih ever women, most often a diagnosis is established immediately during pregnancy.

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Intermenstrual and dysfunctional bleeding in the treatment of intermenstrual bleeding is difficult to single out any group of drugs, or to determine the exact tactics.
In cases where the bleeding had renal origin, shows emergency hospitalization. With intense pain used antispasmodic (No shpa), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ketorol, Nurofen).

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

European Molecular Biology Laboratory

Biologists from Europe amounted to a massive database, in which each human gene, which codes proteins that corresponds to videotape the process of cell division in suppressing the activity of this gene.

The researchers worked with cells HeLa - a popular line, derived from cervical cancer cells taken from Henrietta Lacks. This line is called "immortal", because such cells are able to share an infinite number of times.

In humans, as is known, about 21 000 genes encoding proteins. Authors suppressed the expression of individual genes from the known method of RNA interference and within two days, watched how the changes affect the process of cell division with a pre-labeled with fluorescent markers of chromosomes. As a result, they have registered more than 19 million divisions and created about 190,000 videos.

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Edit as much information manually is impossible, and scientists have been entrusted as a special sort of computer program that tracks the position of the cell nuclei and by assessing the shape, placed each file in one of 16 possible groups. As a result, biologists have identified a little less than 600 genes that can affect the process of mitosis (nuclear division with preservation of the number of chromosomes). Most of these genes have never been associated with mitosis.

Some genes were involved in the early stages of division and disrupt the functioning of others are in the later stages (at the stage of cytokinesis - division of cytoplasm). Because video files are grouped together, the authors could predict the mitotic functions of the "new" genes involved, for example, in the formation of spindle.

The data are summarized in an accessible throughout the base. "Scientists can come to the site, enter the name of the gene of interest to them and then see what happens in the suppression of its activity, - says study leader Jan Ellenberg of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. - In addition, they provide information about genes that give a similar effect . And to learn it, do not have to spend months and years in the laboratory.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

judge decided

Thai boxing, like any other sport, is shrouded in legends. The most famous is as follows. It was in Burma. March 17, 1774 during the religious holiday of the king wanted to see the duel of two representatives of the boxing schools: Muay Thai (Thai) and Bama Letvey (Burma). The first was a prisoner of war taets Nye Kahn Dtoma, the second - a local champion. Nye has traditionally started with the dance (Wai Kru), and ended KO the opponent. However, the victory of the Thai boxer was not included: a malicious judge decided that the ritual of Wai Kru - an illegal hold, distracting and obstructing an opponent to concentrate.
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The battle was decided to repeat ... It was then that the King of Burma and asked: Do not dare Nye battle with his nine best fighters? Nye risked - and, literally, dancing, put all contenders. The King was so impressed with the skill of Thai boxing, which immediately freed prisoner and offered him a reward: the choice - either treasure or two beautiful women in marriage. Nai Kan Dtoma no fool, chose beauties, explaining that the money is easier to find than love. And he returned to Thailand. Ever since March 17 is a festive event - the Thais celebrate boxer or Muay Thai Day.

Monday, April 26, 2010

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Genetic analysis of blood showed the same results as the surgical procedure to check signs of rejection, after transplantation of the heart, U.S. researchers reported.

Experts say that a simple blood test, called AlloMap, developed by molecular diagnostics XDx Inc, will prevent the frequent biopsies of heart transplant recipients, who often spend the patients after transplantation, which in turn can cause damage to heart valves in some of them.

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Patients who had undergone heart transplantation must be regularly checked for signs of rejection of authority. For this reason, testing in a blood sample is to facilitate the task, and implications for patients. Experts hope that will soon implement this type of diagnosis in clinical practice. The study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

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April 5 Office of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration USA (Food and Drug Administration - FDA) announced approval of a new drug to control the release of the active substance OxyContin ® (oxycodone, «Purdue Pharma LP»). The drug is designed to help prevent misuse and abuse, thus potentially reducing the risk of the likelihood of overdose.

As noted by Bob Rappaport (Bob Rappaport), director of product to be used in anesthesia and analgesia of the Centre for Evaluation and Research Medicines (Center for Drug Evaluation and Research) FDA, despite the fact that the new drug OxyContin accounts for only some of the benefits compared with the last version, it is a step in the right direction.

Company «Purdue Pharma» will be required postmarketing study on whether the new version of the drug can not cope with the incorrect use or abuse of the analgesic, says FDA.

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OxyContin - a drug with a slow-release narcotic painkiller oxycodone, designed to treat patients in need of continuous round the clock use of opiates for a long period of time. Each tablet contains a large amount of OxyContin oxycodone, which allows patients to take medication less often. However, when used incorrectly, or abuse of the drug could be released from his more active substance and as a result lead to a fatal overdose and drug abuse.

The new structure eliminates the possibility of chewing or any other violation of the integrity of the funds that could determine the release of high doses of the drug. Advanced composition can reduce the risk of overdose and possibly lead to a decrease in drug abuse, for example, by parenteral administration. However, the new structure does not exclude all possibilities of abuse, for example taking more pills than recommended by your doctor.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

holds his breath

1. Training should not be daily, in order to avoid addiction to the body. The optimal interval - a day.

2. Exercises should bear some burden, but not be severe, debilitating.

3. If during the workout you feel tingling in his side, the intensity of exercises Slow.

4. If during the workout you feel pain and hear the crunch of the knee ligaments - use only the light of load (especially at the initial stages). If you hurt ligaments before the start of active sports activities - treat first, and only then start to give the load on the legs.
If after a week of training ligament still "Radiation at" - a doctor, clearly. Sports with diseased cords are not very recommended.

5. Training should take a certain amount of time, but its intensity adjust yourself: if you are not in tone - use only mild exercise (or add at least heavier) if experiencing a surge of strength - can, if desired, to give themselves and quite powerful load. The main thing - that you do not force yourself to do it through force.

6. During the exercise, it is desirable not to pause longer than 40 seconds. If you're tired - Loans exercise codenamed "mill". This simple little exercise (working out of our abdominal muscles to the shin) is so easy in execution that can serve as a rest from other exercises. Another plus - they can do, with one eye watching TV, which can allow you to forget about the time (and training in the meantime will go!). Technique is simple: place your feet shoulder-width apart and dilute hand in hand (you can squeeze their hands in fists). Rotate the body from side to side (more precisely - we have more inertia rotates, so we almost did not feel tired) at a speed of about 1 second / rotation in one direction.

Time of the "rest" is not restricted, as desired.

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7. Breath - free as you want. No rigid recommendations "deep, rhythmic breathing! Use deep breathing - another harmful myth. Once I went to courses on the Buteyko breathing (Buteyko), which affirmed (och. simplistically) that the smaller the depth of inspiration - the better. Their arguments and personal experiences have convinced me that they are right. You can check yourself:
a) Measure your pulse.
b) Begin to breathe deeply, and breathe in this way 2-3 minutes.
First, you feel dizzy, loss of strength in the second - your heart rate skyrocketed.
In one year of dramatically cleared my hypertension, there were several crises. So, when I began to breathe deeply - only gets worse. Random remembering the Buteyko Method, I have decided that in his attacks to breathe shallow, superficial, now and always make for painful conditions: if you do not get better (and better used to getting), then at least the worst will not always.

Being engaged in some, quite active exercises, you may feel anoxia (start to pant, breathe heavily). Do not worry: a small feeling of lack of air (increase in blood levels of carbon dioxide) - the good, and the temperature inside your body will be higher, which will provide additional burning fat. I want to take a deep breath - please, when you want, but do not puff like a locomotive. By the way, if you feel strong anoxia - then you have too sharp pace, the load must bleed.

The rhythm of breathing, choose the appropriate person for you. For example, I got him right in the process, unconsciously, depending on the exercises. Do not forget that when breathing, take a breath and exhale, we have a short time, without noticing it, holds his breath, breath can last for shorter exhalation, and so on, so their brains parte certain rhythm ("drill-drill-breath- breath "), if easier for you to do without him.

8. Make training more comfortable. During the exercises you can watch TV, listen to the player, think about pressing issues, something to plan.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Italy though, and looks at the world map a boot heel in the representation of our people settled exceptional individuals: mobsters, actors, singers. Sophia Loren, or Adriano Celentano generally loved in Russia as a family. But the simple Italian people, we terribly far ...

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Meanwhile, seasoned travelers say that such a nation as "Italians", the white light is not seen. In the literal sense. Apennine peninsula inhabited by Romans, Milanese, Florentines, Neapolitans, and so on. And they are all different.

The Romans, for example, as it should be the heirs of a great empire, power and pride, and careless Neapolitans only to sing a song. Milanese blond and blue-eyed, and on the island of Sicily reside burning brunettes. Residents of the northern part of the country look down on southerners as poluarabov, vulgar muzhlanov, which have one way - in the mafia groups.

Those, in turn, consider the northerners poluavstriytsami-polufrantsuzami and despise them for their wealth and snobbery. Born in Turin proud of that fact, like nothing else in life, even when taken away forever in the age of twelve his parents from his native town, until the recent Olympic Games unremarkable in fabulous Venice, people will be calling themselves turintsem. Modern pompeytsy living literally on a powder keg (after the famous Vesuvius more alive than dead) and did not think to move.

In every Italian village to hear the complaint that she sent the same Santa Maria neighbors - most inveterate idlers and slackers in the world! And how good it would be in Italy without «gli altri italiani» - without the other Italians. American or Argentine citizens of Italian origin continue to be considered by the Italians, not Americans or Argentines, especially if they have achieved success. Frank Sinatra, Robert De Niro and Sylvester Stallone is an Italian one considers almost his cousin.

Parochial nationalism - that is perhaps the only thing that seemingly unites all the citizens of Italy. And no wonder, because this state has appeared on the political scene only in 1861, and before that on the peninsula is more or less peacefully side by side dozens of independent counties, duchies and even communes. The leader of the then process of the Risorgimento (I mean the national association) Cavour sighed heavily: "Italy, we, one way or another, blind, blind now let the Italians. Come on! Let's try to identify those common features, which may not notice the Italians themselves, as foreigners, they literally catches the eye.

Family - seventy-seven "I"

Family for almost everyone on earth is a great value, but for the Italians - from whatever corner of the country he may come - especially. With his characteristic passion of nature, he includes in his inner circle not only his wife, children, their parents, with mother-in-law, but also other family members: the numerous uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters and their children and grandchildren - in general, all those with whom only be able to detect blood ties. And each of them assisted generously daryatsya love and concern, not only in difficult times, but always. This is the sacred duty of every Italian. But the main deity in his big noisy family - children. Their holyat, cherished and pampered, that is strength. With all its expressiveness, if not quick-tempered and loud, Italian father and mother had never raised his voice at her son - this is the next man, head of the family breadwinner, and it should be respected a daily, and even more so, even in a fit of righteous anger, do not raise a hand to her daughter - a woman and future mother.

The Englishman or American, German or Russian, for all of the difference of cultures in a moment of mental despair, or when simply banging your elbow on a sharp corner, no, no yes and swore obscene. A well-worn Italian uncle in the hearts cry out: «Mamma mia!», That is to say "my mommy!". Attachment of the local male population of the mother is unprecedented. Italian tries as much as possible to live under its wing and not marry. Is someone able to take care of it better than the beloved Mom?

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Only the desire to start their own "bambinis" makes local Lovelace chasing every skirt and go down the aisle. But if the Italian finally combined legal marriage, it is unlikely to have when it terminates. The ban on divorce in Italy, despite the opposition of the powerful Catholic Church, still canceled, but they are still extremely rare. Deserted the family and children for the Italian men are traditionally considered to be a terrible shame.

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Living in Italy is very cheerful and sociable people. Perhaps the warm climate so gracious acts. Even with the most ill-tempered local downer at the moment of happiness will light all around her positive energy, like a gentle sun of his country. For the slightest sign of attention in his address, he will cry so much sincere "Grazie!" ( "Thank you"), which is more restrained, foreigners get tired to say "please".

When two sympathetic friend of a friend who was born in Italy found after leaving, whether the years of forced separation, summer holidays or lunch break, they hug and kiss, as if they want to celebrate, to strangle each other. From "Bon dzhorno!" ( "Good day"), "Ciao!" And "Salve!" ( "Hello") will be ringing in the ears. Yes, it has taken root in Russia "ciao", which we say in parting, and Italians are used as a greeting. Here is another familiar to us an Italian word - "ариведерчи" ( "goodbye") is moving away from the everyday lives of ordinary Italians. He often can be found in official documents, rather than on the streets of Italian cities, where it was replaced by crony "chi vedyamo" ( "see you") or merely wishing good evening ( "Buono Sera").

Moreover, "Buono Sera" Italians prefer to work holidays with your family and friends begin to pronounce hours in two days, hinting at the fact that it is time to end the case. However, until this moment they are not strongly peretruzhdayutsya. It opened at nine in the morning, local institutions and offices are literally an hour later empty. Only an inveterate workaholic Zabierzow not at this time in a cafe or a bar around the corner, and thus does not know the latest news and the latest gossip. Eleven o'clock - time to drink coffee, well, and twelve - Lunch clearly on schedule and always with a bottle of wine on the table. And, of course, do not forget about the famous Italian siesta. From about 14.00 to 15.30 or to make a purchase in a store, or get an appointment with the right personnel is impossible. The whole country in a single burst of rest from the works of the righteous. Consider one more nuance - an absolute majority of shops and stalls, cafes and restaurants - private, and therefore, working hours and break for lunch they have a "floating". That is, if today is the owner simply not in the mood to serve clients or his family in the event occurred, requiring his personal involvement (eg, daily angel nephew), you would not knock. No career, no money, much less labor itself can not weigh for a typical Italian thing called getting pleasure from life. In this concept for them are simple and understandable in any language things: good wine, delicious food, chatting with relatives, family holidays.

And true Italians are able to turn into an enchanting holiday even nightly walk before dinner. Habitual actions of this show - the main street or town square, which is so filled with people, that vehicular traffic is stopped. Nothing much seems to be not the case, ordinary citizens - both men and women - wear the best outfits (as expressed here, underscore «bella figura», even if it is not too «bella») and walking to and fro. Elegant wife under the handle, well-fed children followed, distinguished older generation is located in the outdoor cafes, to how to see everyone. Warmly greeted even a little, and carefully examined, who's in what has come, the flow of people is divided into separate little groups.

Soon to make on your brilliant observation about the decisive goal in the World Cup drew deserved attention will have to raise his voice and zazhestikulirovat even more desperate than usual. Football is loved by everybody, from small to large, from the heads of the family to their pious. Italy squad - a symbol of what people all over the country can still be united under one flag and it will bring victory to everybody. And so there will be an occasion for a new holiday!